Q3, 2022 Quarterly Report

It’s been another rough quarter for stocks and bonds – something I’ve said three quarters in a row now. Go here to see our quarterly report for Q3, 2022 and you can watch this post as a video here. I can’t predict the future, but I think 2022 will end in the red. It’s tough to see, but it makes sense, we’ve had three years of a very strong market, so we’re due for a come back to reality cooling off period. I know it’s tough to see our portfolios take a hit like this, but let’s look positive. The market is holding steady, giving us an opportunity to put money in at depressed prices before it takes off again. And it will take off again, because it always does. It’s just a matter of when, not if. Typically, when we have a big down year, we follow it up with a strong year…maybe 2023 will be that strong rebound, or maybe it won’t happen until 2024? Will we finish this year down 20% or so or will we claw our way out of this bear market to finish the year maybe down 10%? We’ll see come December 31st. But in the meantime: stay grounded, don’t let your emotions get the better of your sound financial judgement, continue to make 401(k) and IRA contributions and continue to invest those contributions into a low-cost globally diversified portfolio - which is the best way to build wealth for retirement - and, in time, we’ll come out of this to make new market highs and our resolve through this tough 2023 will be rewarded. If you need any help staying grounded during these tough investing times, reach out to me here.