“market timing is impossible; if you picked right, you were just lucky”
“I am not a stock picker, when I tried to pick stocks, I lost, so I stopped fighting the market, and instead I joined it. Instead of spinning my wheels and losing everything on a “hot” stock, or picking a good one only to ride it up (not sell it) and ride it back down I decided there has to be a better and more consistent approach. That approach is known as Modern Portfolio Theory. In short, its purpose is to assemble diversified portfolios across a broad range of global market segments while balancing expected returns against expected risk; expected higher returns can only be obtained with higher risk. In addition, I want do this as cost efficiently as possible, because the less money I pay in fees and expenses means the more money I’ll have in my portfolio.
I bring this same philosophy to Pensinger Financial’s clients. I will construct your portfolio with the same diligence and competence I use to construct my own portfolio. After all, we’re in this together; I am Pensinger Financial’s first client, and I hope you will be its second.”-Michael Pensinger
Different investors can have completely different portfolios depending on many factors, notably: age, income, risk tolerance, and goals & objectives. Pensinger Financial understands this and realizes no two clients are exactly alike, therefore we tailor portfolios to best suit your needs whether you are just entering the work force or have been retired for several years.
Depending on your portfolio choice, you can receive exposure to the following markets:
US Large Cap Stock (Growth & Value)
US Small Cap Stock (Growth & Value)
US Micro Cap Stock
International Stock
Emerging Markets Stock
Global Real Estate